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NMEA 0183 (ASCII) Protocol

For simple use, the Inertial Sense device supports a human-readable NMEA communications protocol based on NMEA 0183. The NMEA protocol is human readable from in a command line terminal but is less optimal than the binary protocol in terms of message length for the same amount of data.

Communications Examples

The NMEA Communications Example Project demonstrates how to implement the protocol.

Packet Structure

The Inertial Sense NMEA protocol follows the standard NMEA 0183 message structure:

  • 1 byte – Start packet, $ (0x24)
  • n bytes – packet identifier
  • 1 byte – comma (0x2C)
  • n bytes – comma separated list of data, can include decimals and text
  • 1 byte – checksum marker, * (0x2A)
  • 2 bytes – checksum in hex format (i.e. f5 or 0a), 0 padded and lowercase
  • 2 bytes – End packet, \r\n (0x0D, 0x0A)

The packet checksum is an 8 bit integer and is calculated by calculating the exclusive OR of all bytes in between and not including the $ and * bytes. The packet checksum byte is converted to a 2 byte NMEA hex code, and left padded with 0 if necessary to ensure that it is always 2 bytes. The checksum is always lowercase hexadecimal characters. See NMEA 0183 message structure for more details. The NMEA string checksum is automatically computed and appended to string when using the InertialSense SDK serialPortWriteAscii function or can be generated using an online checksum calculator. For example: MTK NMEA checksum calculator

Persistent Messages

The persistent messages option saves the current data stream configuration to flash memory for use following reboot, eliminating the need to re-enable messages following a reset or power cycle.

Binary persistent messages are also available.

Enabling Persistent Messages - EvalTool

To enable persistent NMEA messages using the EvalTool:

  • Enable the desired NMEA messages in the EvalTool "Data Sets" tab. Select DID_NMEA_BCAST_PERIOD in the DID menu and set the desired NMEA messages period to a non-zero value.
  • Press the "Save Persistent" button in the EvalTool "Data Logs" tab to store the current message configuration to flash memory.
  • Reset the IMX and verify the messages are automatically streaming. You can use a generic serial port program like putty or the EvalTool->Data Logs->Data Log->Messages dialog to view the NMEA messages.

To disable all persistent messages using the EvalTool, click the "Stop Streaming" button and then "Save Persistent" button.

NMEA Input Messages

The following NMEA messages can be received by the IMX.

Message Description
$ASCE*14\r\n Query the broadcast rate of NMEA output messages.
ASCE Set the broadcast period of selected NMEA output messages.
$INFO*0E\r\n Query device information.
$SRST*06\r\n Software reset.
$PERS*14\r\n Save persistent messages to flash.
$STPB*15\r\n Stop broadcast of all messages (NMEA and binary) on all ports.
$STPC*14\r\n Stop broadcast of all messages (NMEA and binary) on current port.


Enable NMEA message output streaming by specifying the NMEA message identifier or ID and broadcast period. The period is the multiple of the data source period (i.e. a GNSS message with period multiple of 2 and data source period of 200 ms (5 Hz) will broadcast every 400 ms). “xx” is the two-character checksum. A period of 0 will disable message streaming. The broadcast period for each message is configurable as a period multiple of the Data Source Update Rates. Up to 20 different NMEA messages can be enabled by repeating the message ID and period sequence within an ASCE message.


The following examples will enable the same NMEA message output:

Index Field Description
1 OPTIONS Port selection. Combine by adding options together:
0=current, 1=ser0, 2=ser1, 4=ser2, 8=USB,
512=persistent (remember after reset)
Start of repeated group (1...20 times)
2+n*2 ID Either 1.) message identifier string (i.e. PPIMU, PINS1, GxGGA) excluding packet start character $ or 2.) message ID (eNmeaAsciiMsgId) of the NMEA message to be streamed. See the message ID in the NMEA output messages table.
3+n*2 PERIOD Broadcast period multiple for specified message. Zero disables streaming.
End of repeated group (1...20 times)

Example Messages

The following examples NMEA messages enable IMX data streaming output. The data period is 1, full data source rates, for those that do not specify the output rate.

Message Data (Output Rate)**
$ASCE,0,6,1,7,1,8,1,10,1,14,1*04\r\n GGA, GLL, GSA, ZDA, GSV (all at 5Hz)
$ASCE,0,5,2,2,1,7,1*0A\r\n PINS2 (31.25 Hz), PPIMU (62.5Hz), GGA (5Hz)
$ASCE,0,0,1*09\r\n PIMU
$ASCE,0,1,1*08\r\n PPIMU
$ASCE,0,2,1*0B\r\n PRIMU
$ASCE,0,3,1*0A\r\n PINS1
$ASCE,0,4,1*0D\r\n PINS2
$ASCE,0,5,1*0C\r\n PGPSP
$ASCE,0,6,1*0F\r\n GGA
$ASCE,0,7,1*0E\r\n GLL
$ASCE,0,8,1*01\r\n GSA
$ASCE,0,9,1*00\r\n RMC
$ASCE,0,10,1*38\r\n ZDA
$ASCE,0,11,1*39\r\n PASHR
$ASCE,0,12,1*3A\r\n PSTRB
$ASCE,0,13,1*3B\r\n INFO
$ASCE,0,14,1*3C\r\n GSV
$ASCE,0,15,1*3D\r\n VTG

** These rates assume the default settings for data source rates.


Send this command to save current persistent messages to flash memory for use following reboot. This eliminates the need to re-enable messages following a reset or power cycle. In order to disable persistent messages, all messages must be disabled and then the 'save persistent messages' command should be sent.



Stop all broadcasts (both binary and NMEA) on all ports by sending the following packet:


The hexadecimal equivalent is:

24 53 54 50 42 2A 31 35 0D 0A


Stop all broadcasts (both binary and NMEA) on the current port by sending the following packet:


The hexadecimal equivalent is:

24 53 54 50 43 2A 31 34 0D 0A

NMEA Output Messages

The following NMEA messages can be sent by the IMX. The message ID (eNmeaAsciiMsgId) is used with the $ASCE message to enable message streaming.

Identifier ID Description
ASCB Broadcast period of NMEA output messages.
PIMU 1 IMU data (3-axis gyros and accelerometers) in the body frame.
PPIMU 2 Preintegrated IMU: delta theta (rad) and delta velocity (m/s).
PRIMU 3 Raw IMU data (3-axis gyros and accelerometers) in the body frame.
PINS1 4 INS output: euler rotation w/ respect to NED, NED position from reference LLA.
PINS2 5 INS output: quaternion rotation w/ respect to NED, ellipsoid altitude.
PGPSP 6 GPS position data.
GGA 7 Standard NMEA GGA GPS 3D location, fix, and accuracy.
GLL 8 Standard NMEA GLL GPS 2D location and time.
GSA 9 Standard NMEA GSA GPS DOP and active satellites.
RMC 10 Standard NMEA RMC Recommended minimum specific GPS/Transit data.
ZDA 11 Standard NMEA ZDA UTC Time/Date message.
PASHR 12 Standard NMEA PASHR (euler) message.
PSTRB 13 Strobe event input time.
INFO 14 Device information.
GSV 15 Standard NMEA GSV satellite info (all active constellations sent with corresponding talker IDs).
VTG 16 Standard NMEA VTG track made good and speed over ground.

The field codes used in the message descriptions are: lf = double, f = float, d = int.


IMU sensor data (3-axis gyros and accelerometers) in the body frame.

       1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Index Field Units Description
1 time sec Time since system power up
3 IMU pqr[0] rad/sec IMU angular rate gyro – X
2 IMU pqr[1] rad/sec IMU angular rate gyro – Y
4 IMU pqr[2] rad/sec IMU angular rate gyro – Z
5 IMU acc[0] m/s2 IMU linear acceleration – X
6 IMU acc[1] m/s2 IMU linear acceleration – Y
7 IMU acc[2] m/s2 IMU linear acceleration – Z


Preintegrated inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensor data, delta theta in radians and delta velocity in m/s in the body frame. Also known as coning and sculling integrals.

        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Index Field Units Description
1 time sec Time since system power up
2 theta[0] rad IMU delta theta integral – X
3 theta[1] rad IMU delta theta integral – Y
4 theta[2] rad IMU delta theta integral – Z
8 vel[0] m/s IMU delta velocity integral – X
9 vel[1] m/s IMU delta velocity integral – Y
10 vel[2] m/s IMU delta velocity integral – Z
14 dt s Integration period for delta theta vel


Raw IMU sensor data (3-axis gyros and accelerometers) in the body frame (up to 1KHz). Use this IMU data for output data rates faster than DID_FLASH_CONFIG.startupNavDtMs. Otherwise we recommend use of PIMU or PPIMU as they are oversampled and contain less noise. 0 to disable.

        1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Index Field Units Description
1 time sec Time since system power up
3 Raw IMU pqr[0] rad/sec Raw IMU angular rate gyro – X
2 Raw IMU pqr[1] rad/sec Raw IMU angular rate gyro – Y
4 Raw IMU pqr[2] rad/sec Raw IMU angular rate gyro – Z
5 Raw IMU acc[0] m/s2 Raw IMU linear acceleration – X
6 Raw IMU acc[1] m/s2 Raw IMU linear acceleration – Y
7 Raw IMU acc[2] m/s2 Raw IMU linear acceleration – Z


INS output with Euler angles and NED offset from the reference LLA.

        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0  1  2  3 4 5 6
Index Field Units Description
1 timeOfWeek sec Seconds since Sunday morning in GMT
2 GPS week weeks Number of weeks since January 1st of 1980 in GMT
3 insStatus INS Status Flags
4 hdwStatus Hardware Status Flags
5 theta[0] rad Euler angle – roll
6 theta[1] rad Euler angle – pitch
7 theta[2] rad Euler angle – yaw
8 UVW[0] m/s Velocity in body frame – X
9 UVW[1] m/s Velocity in body frame – Y
10 UVW[2] m/s Velocity in body frame – Z
11 Latitude deg WGS84 Latitude
12 Longitude deg WGS84 Longitude
13 HAE Altitude m Height above ellipsoid (vertical elevation)
14 NED[0] m Offset from reference LLA – North
15 NED[1] m Offset from reference LLA – East
16 NED[2] m Offset from reference LLA – Down


INS output with quaternion attitude.

        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1  2  3  4
Index Field Units Description
1 timeOfWeek sec Seconds since Sunday morning in GMT
2 GPS week weeks Number of weeks since January 1st of 1980 in GMT
3 insStatus INS Status Flags
4 hdwStatus Hardware Status Flags
5 qn2b[0] Quaternion rotation (NED to body) – W
6 qn2b[1] Quaternion rotation (NED to body) – X
7 qn2b[2] Quaternion rotation (NED to body) – Y
8 qn2b[3] Quaternion rotation (NED to body) – Z
9 UVW[0] m/s Velocity in body frame – X
10 UVW[1] m/s Velocity in body frame – Y
11 UVW[2] m/s Velocity in body frame – Z
12 Latitude deg WGS84 Latitude
13 Longitude deg WGS84 Longitude
14 HAE altitude m Height above ellipsoid (vertical elevation)


GPS navigation data.

       1 2 3  4  5  6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Index Field Units Description
1 timeOfWeekMs ms GPS time of week in milliseconds since Sunday morning in GMT
2 GPS week weeks GPS number of weeks since January 1st of 1980 in GMT
3 status (see eGpsStatus) GPS status: [0x000000xx] number of satellites used, [0x0000xx00] fix type, [0x00xx0000] status flags
4 Latitude deg WGS84 Latitude
5 Longitude deg WGS84 Longitude
6 HAE altitude m Height above WGS84 ellipsoid
7 MSL altitude m Elevation above mean sea level
8 pDOP m Position dilution of precision
9 hAcc m Horizontal accuracy
10 vAcc m Vertical accuracy
11 Velocity X m/s ECEF X velocity
12 Velocity Y m/s ECEF Y velocity
13 Velocity Z m/s ECEF Z velocity
14 sAcc m/s Speed accuracy
15 cnoMean dBHz Average of all satellite carrier to noise ratios (signal strengths) that non-zero
16 towOffset s Time sync offset between local time since boot up to GPS time of week in seconds. Add this to IMU and sensor time to get GPS time of week in seconds.
17 leapS s GPS leap second (GPS-UTC) offset. Receiver's best knowledge of the leap seconds offset from UTC to GPS time. Subtract from GPS time of week to get UTC time of week.


NMEA GPS fix, 3D location and accuracy data.

                1          2 3           4 5 6  7    8     9    0     1 2 3 4
Index Field Units Description Example
1 HHMMSS.sss UTC time (fix taken at 20:41:53.200 UTC) 204153.200
2,3 Latitude deg,min WGS84 latitude (DDmm.mmmmm,N) 4003.34331,N
4,5 Longitude deg,min WGS84 longitude (DDDmm.mmmmm,E) 11139.51872,W
6 Fix quality 0 = invalid, 1 = GPS fix (SPS), 2 = DGPS fix, 3 = PPS fix, 4 = RTK Fix, 5 = RTK Float, 6 = estimated (dead reckoning), 7 = Manual input mode, 8 = Simulation mode 1
7 # Satellites Number of satellites in use 15
8 hDop m Horizontal dilution of precision 0.9
9,10 MSL_altitude m Elevation above mean sea level (MSL) 545.4,M
11,12 Undulation m Undulation of geoid. Height of the geoid above the WGS84 ellipsoid. 46.9,M
13 empty s Time since last DGPS update
14 empty DGPS station ID number


NMEA geographic position, latitude / longitude and time.

                1 2           3 4          5 6
Index Field Units Description Example
1,2 Latitude deg,min WGS84 latitude (DDmm.mmmmm,N) 4916.45123,N
3,4 Longitude deg,min WGS84 longitude (DDDmm.mmmmm,E) 12311.12324,W
5 HHMMSS.sss UTC time (fix taken at 22:54:44.8 UTC) 225444.800
6 Valid Data valid (A=active, V=void) A


NMEA GPS DOP and active satellites.

       1 2  3  4 ...              15  16  17
Index Field Units Description Example
1 Auto selection of 2D or 3D fix (M = manual) A
2 Fix quality Fix quality (1 = none, 2 = 2D, 3 = 3D) 3
3-14 Sat ID Satellite ID (PRNs) 04,05,,09,12,,,24,,,,,
15 pDop m Dilution of precision 2.5
16 hDop m Horizontal dilution of precision 1.3
17 vDop m Vertical dilution of precision 2.1


NMEA GPS recommended minimum specific GPS/Transit data.

eg1. $GPRMC,081836,A,3751.65,S,14507.36,E,000.0,360.0,130998,011.3,E*62\r\n
eg2. $GPRMC,225446,A,4916.45,N,12311.12,W,000.5,054.7,191194,020.3,E*68\r\n

           225446       Time of fix 22:54:46 UTC
           A            Navigation receiver warning A = OK, V = warning
           4916.45,N    Latitude 49 deg. 16.45 min North
           12311.12,W   Longitude 123 deg. 11.12 min West
           000.5        Speed over ground, Knots
           054.7        Course Made Good, True
           191194       Date of fix  19 November 1994
           020.3,E      Magnetic variation 20.3 deg East
           *68          mandatory checksum

eg3. $GPRMC,220516,A,5133.82,N,00042.24,W,173.8,231.8,130694,004.2,W*70\r\n
              1    2    3    4    5     6    7    8      9     10  11 12

      1   220516     Time Stamp
      2   A          validity - A-ok, V-invalid
      3   5133.82    current Latitude
      4   N          North/South
      5   00042.24   current Longitude
      6   W          East/West
      7   173.8      Speed in knots
      8   231.8      True course
      9   130694     Date Stamp
      10  004.2      Variation
      11  W          East/West
      12  *70        checksum

eg4. $GPRMC,,A,llll.ll,a,yyyyy.yy,a,x.x,x.x,ddmmyy,x.x,a*hh\r\n
1    = UTC of position fix
2    = Data status (V=navigation receiver warning)
3    = Latitude of fix
4    = N or S
5    = Longitude of fix
6    = E or W
7    = Speed over ground in knots
8    = Track made good in degrees True
9    = UT date
10   = Magnetic variation degrees (Easterly var. subtracts from true course)
11   = E or W
12   = Checksum


NMEA GPS track made good and speed over ground.

eg1. $GPVTG,140.88,T,,M,8.04,N,14.89,K,D*05\r\n

0   Message ID $GPVTG
1   Track made good (degrees true)
2   T: track made good is relative to true north
3   Track made good (degrees magnetic)
4   M: track made good is relative to magnetic north
5   Speed, in knots
6   N: speed is measured in knots
7   Speed over ground in kilometers/hour (kph)
8   K: speed over ground is measured in kph
9   Mode indicator:
        A: Autonomous mode
        D: Differential mode
        E: Estimated (dead reckoning) mode
        M: Manual Input mode
        S: Simulator mode
        N: Data not valid
10  The checksum data, always begins with *


NMEA GPS UTC Time and Date specification.

                1  2  3    4  5  6
Index Field Units Description Example
1 HHMMSS.sss UTC Time 213301.200
2 Day Day 31
3 Month Month 08
4 Year Year 2023
5 localHrs Local time zone hours 00
6 localMin Local time zone minutes 00


NMEA GNSS satellites in view. xx corresponds to a constellation talker ID, shown in the table below.

Contains the number of sats in view, PRN numbers, elevation, azimuth and SNR value. Each message includes up to four satellites. When there are more than 4 sats for a constellation, multiple messages are sent. The total number of messages and the message number are included in each message.



Example NMEA version 4.11:


Talker ID Constellation
GA Galileo
GL Glonass
GB BeiDou
GN Combination of active constellations
Index Field Units Description
1 numMsgs Total number of messages for this constellation and epoch
2 msgNum Message number
3 numSats Total number of known satellites for the talker ID and signal ID
4+(n*5) prn Satellite PRN number
5+(n*5) elev deg Elevation (0-90)
6+(n*5) azim deg Azimuth (000 to 359)
7+(n*5) snr dB SNR (00-99, empty when not tracking)
variable system ID GNSS system ID (distinguishes frequency band). This field is only output if the NMEA version is 4.11.

Where n is 0-3, for the four satellites supported by this message.

GSV Output Filtering

Verbosity and size of the GSV NMEA message can be reduced to only select constellation and frequencies by using a Filtered GSV NMEA Message IDs instead of the standard GSV message ID GPGSV or 15 (NMEA_MSG_ID_GxGSV), either ASCII or integer. Note that the GSV output filter can only hide or mask information for satellites currently enabled in the DID_FLASH_CONFIG.gnssSatSigConst satellite system constellation. Usage:

$ASCE,[options],[Message ID]*[checksum]\r\n

For example, using message ID GPGSV_1 or 3857 (NMEA_MSG_ID_GPGSV_1) will output only the GPS L1 frequency and prevent all other frequency and constellation satellite information from being displayed.

Filtered GSV NMEA Message IDs

The following extended GSV NMEA message IDs are defined in data_sets.h.

All Constellations Message ID ASCII Message ID Int Description
NMEA_MSG_ID_GNGSV_0 GNGSV_0 3840 Clear all constellations and frequencies
NMEA_MSG_ID_GNGSV_1 GNGSV_1 3841 Enable all constellations band1
NMEA_MSG_ID_GNGSV_2 GNGSV_2 3842 Enable all constellations band2
NMEA_MSG_ID_GNGSV_2_1 GNGSV_2_1 3843 Enable all constellations band1, band2
NMEA_MSG_ID_GNGSV_3 GNGSV_3 3844 Enable all constellations band3
NMEA_MSG_ID_GNGSV_3_1 GNGSV_3_1 3845 Enable all constellations band1, band3
NMEA_MSG_ID_GNGSV_3_2 GNGSV_3_2 3846 Enable all constellations band2, band3
NMEA_MSG_ID_GNGSV_3_2_1 GNGSV_3_2_1 3847 Enable all constellations band1, band2, band3
NMEA_MSG_ID_GNGSV_5 GNGSV_5 3848 Enable all constellations band5
NMEA_MSG_ID_GNGSV_5_1 GNGSV_5_1 3849 Enable all constellations band1, band5
NMEA_MSG_ID_GNGSV_5_2 GNGSV_5_2 3850 Enable all constellations band2, band5
NMEA_MSG_ID_GNGSV_5_2_1 GNGSV_5_2_1 3851 Enable all constellations band1, band2, band5
NMEA_MSG_ID_GNGSV_5_3 GNGSV_5_3 3852 Enable all constellations band3, band5
NMEA_MSG_ID_GNGSV_5_3_1 GNGSV_5_3_1 3853 Enable all constellations band1, band3, band5
NMEA_MSG_ID_GNGSV_5_3_2 GNGSV_5_3_2 3854 Enable all constellations band2, band3, band5
NMEA_MSG_ID_GNGSV_5_3_2_1 GNGSV_5_3_2_1 3855 Enable all constellations band1, band2, band3, band5
GxGSV 15 or 3855 Enable all constellations and frequencies
GPGSV - GPS Message ID ASCII Message ID Int Description
NMEA_MSG_ID_GPGSV_0 GPGSV_0 3856 Disable all GPS frequencies
NMEA_MSG_ID_GPGSV_2_1 GPGSV_2_1 3859 Enable GPS L1, L2
NMEA_MSG_ID_GPGSV_5_1 GPGSV_5_1 3865 Enable GPS L1, L5
NMEA_MSG_ID_GPGSV_5_2 GPGSV_5_2 3866 Enable GPS L2, L5
NMEA_MSG_ID_GPGSV_5_2_1 GPGSV_5_2_1 3867 Enable GPS L1, L2, L5
NMEA_MSG_ID_GPGSV GPGSV 3871 Enable all GPS frequencies
GAGSV - Galileo Message ID ASCII Message ID Int Description
NMEA_MSG_ID_GAGSV_0 GAGSV_0 3888 Disable all Galileo frequencies
NMEA_MSG_ID_GAGSV_1 GAGSV_1 3889 Enable Galileo E1
NMEA_MSG_ID_GAGSV_5 GAGSV_5 3896 Enable Galileo E5
NMEA_MSG_ID_GAGSV_5_1 GAGSV_5_1 3897 Enable Galileo E1, E5
NMEA_MSG_ID_GAGSV GAGSV 3903 Enable all Galileo frequencies
GBGSV - Beido Message ID ASCII Message ID Int Description
NMEA_MSG_ID_GBGSV_0 GBGSV_0 3904 Disable all Beidou frequencies
NMEA_MSG_ID_GBGSV_1 GBGSV_1 3905 Enable Beidou B1
NMEA_MSG_ID_GBGSV_2 GBGSV_2 3906 Enable Beidou B2
NMEA_MSG_ID_GBGSV_2_1 GBGSV_2_1 3907 Enable Beidou B1, B2
NMEA_MSG_ID_GBGSV_3 GBGSV_3 3908 Enable Beidou B3
NMEA_MSG_ID_GBGSV_3_1 GBGSV_3_1 3909 Enable Beidou B1, B3
NMEA_MSG_ID_GBGSV_3_2 GBGSV_3_2 3910 Enable Beidou B2, B3
NMEA_MSG_ID_GBGSV_3_2_1 GBGSV_3_2_1 3911 Enable Beidou B1, B2, B3
NMEA_MSG_ID_GBGSV GBGSV 3919 Enable all Beidou frequencies
GQGSV - QZSS Message ID ASCII Message ID Int Description
NMEA_MSG_ID_GQGSV_0 GQGSV_0 3920 Disable all QZSS frequencies
NMEA_MSG_ID_GQGSV_2_1 GQGSV_2_1 3923 Enable QZSS L1, L2
NMEA_MSG_ID_GQGSV_5_1 GQGSV_5_1 3929 Enable QZSS L1, L5
NMEA_MSG_ID_GQGSV_5_2 GQGSV_5_2 3930 Enable QZSS L2, L5
NMEA_MSG_ID_GQGSV_5_2_1 GQGSV_5_2_1 3931 Enable QZSS L1, L2, L5
NMEA_MSG_ID_GQGSV GQGSV 3935 Enable all QZSS frequencies
GLGSV - Glonass Message ID ASCII Message ID Int Description
NMEA_MSG_ID_GLGSV_0 GLGSV_0 3936 Disable all Glonass frequencies
NMEA_MSG_ID_GLGSV_1 GLGSV_1 3937 Enable Glonass L1
NMEA_MSG_ID_GLGSV_2 GLGSV_2 3938 Enable Glonass L2
NMEA_MSG_ID_GLGSV_2_1 GLGSV_2_1 3939 Enable Glonass L1, L2
NMEA_MSG_ID_GLGSV_3 GLGSV_3 3940 Enable Glonass L3
NMEA_MSG_ID_GLGSV_3_1 GLGSV_3_1 3941 Enable Glonass L1, L3
NMEA_MSG_ID_GLGSV_3_2 GLGSV_3_2 3942 Enable Glonass L2, L3
NMEA_MSG_ID_GLGSV_3_2_1 GLGSV_3_2_1 3943 Enable Glonass L1, L2, L3
NMEA_MSG_ID_GLGSV GLGSV 3951 Enable all Glonass frequencies


NMEA GPS track made good and speed over ground.

            1 2 3 4   5 6     7 8 9
| Index | Field | Units | Description | Example | |-------|--------|-------|----------------------------------------------------|---------| | 1 | track true | deg | Ground track heading (true north) | 140.88 | | 2 | T | | Ground track heading is relative to true north | T | | 3 | track mag | deg | Ground track heading (magnetic north) | | | 4 | M | | Ground track heading is relative to magnetic north (track mag = track true + magVarCorrection) | M | | 5 | speed Kn | knots | Speed | 8.04 | | 6 | N | | Speed is measured in knots | N | | 7 | speed Km | kph | Speed over ground in kilometers/hour | 14.89 | | 8 | K | | Speed over ground is measured in kph | K | | 9 | mode ind | | Mode indicator: | D | | | | | A: Autonomous mode | | | | | | D: Differential mode | | | | | | E: Estimated (dead reckoning) mode | | | | | | M: Manual Input mode | | | | | | S: Simulator mode | | | | | | N: Data not valid | |


NMEA GPS DOP and active satellites.

          1         2   3   4      5    6    7      8     9  10 11  
Index Field Units Description Example
1 Time UTC Time 001924.600
2 Heading Heading value in decimal degrees 95.81
3 True Heading T displayed if heading is relative to true north. T
4 Roll m Roll in decimal degrees. +0.60
5 Pitch m Pitch in decimal degrees. +1.05
6 Heave m Instantaneous heave in meters. +0.00
7 Roll Accuracy Roll standard deviation in decimal degrees. +0.038
8 Pitch Accuracy Pitch standard deviation in decimal degrees. 0.035
9 Heading Accuracy Heading standard deviation in decimal degrees. 0.526
10 GPS Status GPS Status 0
11 INS Status INS Status 0


Strobe input time. This message is sent when an assert event occurs on a strobe input pin.

       1 2 3 4
Index Field Units Description
1 GPS week weeks Number of weeks since January 1st of 1980 in GMT
2 timeMsOfWeek ms Milliseconds since Sunday morning in GMT
3 pin Strobe event input pin number
4 count Strobe event serial index number


Device version information. Query this message by sending $INFO*0E\r\n.

      1 2       3       4 5       6 7 8          9           10
Index Field Units Description
1 Serial number Manufacturer serial number
2 Hardware version Hardware version
3 Firmware version Firmware version
4 Build number Firmware build number
5 Protocol version Communications protocol version
6 Repo revision Repository revision number
7 Manufacturer Manufacturer name
8 Build date Build date:
[1] = year, [2] = month, [3] = day
9 Build time Build date: [0] = hour, [1] = minute,
[2] = second, [3] = millisecond
10 Add Info Additional information
11 Hardware Hardware: 1=uINS, 2=EVB, 3=IMX, 4=GPX
12 Reserved Reserved for internal purpose.
13 Build type Build type: 'a'=ALPHA, 'b'=BETA, 'c'=RELEASE CANDIDATE, 'r'=PRODUCTION RELEASE, 'd'=debug

NMEA Examples


If the command strings below are altered, their checksum must be recalculated.


All NMEA command strings must be followed with a carriage return and new line character (\r\n or 0x0D, 0x0A).

The NMEA string checksum is automatically computed and appended to string when using the InertialSense SDK serialPortWriteAscii function or can be generated using an online NMEA checksum calculator. For example: MTK NMEA checksum calculator

Stop streams on CURRENT port


Stop all streams on ALL ports


Query device version information



$INFO,30612,,,3522,,6275,Inertial Sense INC,0018-10-16,23:20:38.41,INL2*58

Stream INS1 @5Hz on port 0


Stream INS1 @400ms on current port




Stream INS1 @600ms on serial port 1




Stream PIMU @400ms and GGA @5Hz on current port


